Saturday, October 08, 2005


My Dad called me tonight. I’m glad he did. He hardly ever calls me and we hardly ever talk, never talk as much as I’d like. I could tell that he missed me today and I felt loved again.

I used to go in the back yard of my house and look up at the stars to make out the constellations. I loved checking out the planets and checking out the elliptic. It was just something I’ve always had an interest in. He would come out at night in the back yard to see what I was doing. I would show him the constellations and the planets and we would talk about the universe for a while. Well, I guess tonight, he was outside looking at the moon and he tried to get my younger brother to come out to the backyard to check out the stars and moon with him. Carlos went out and spoke with him for a while. Carlos if kind of funny because he thinks he knows everything, somewhat like me. David didn’t want to spend any time with my Dad outside. David never likes to get out of the house for that matter.

Well, when my Dad called the first thing he asked me was if  I could see the moon. I knew what he was up too. I was glad to be missed. He told me what happened. He wished that David and Carlos were more interested in constellations and the universe like me. He didn’t tell me that but I knew from talking to him. I told him that everyone is different and no one is the same. He chuckled a little and agreed. I know its rough, shoot I miss some things that don’t occur anymore. All I know is things change and people change.  I reminded my Dad to call me anytime he wants. It was nice to chat with him, makes me wish I was a kid again. It’s weird growing up and getting older. I guess it happens to us all.

We had our rehearsal today on force protection. It was a long day. The action didn’t take too long after it started. First off one of the towers got hit with some indirect fire. I was glad I wasn’t hit, well maybe not. So after the tower got it I reported to the closest Sergeant next to me on the situation. He wanted me to stay down but I didn’t think any more indirect fire was going to come in and we weren’t that close to the tower. I was hoping that the first aid team would come right away but they were no where to be found and I knew that the guys were not going to make it unless they got some medical attention fast. So I ran down to the tower with another Sergeant and went up the ladder to the top. When I got to the top I asked the guys where they were hurt. One guy had an arm injury, the other an abdominal wound. I kind of messed up because I treated the guy with the least serious injury first. I figured that the other Sergeant would start working on the abdominal wound. That didn’t happen. The Sergeant was calling in for casualty evacuation. I didn’t mind, it’s just that I knew that other people knew that we needed help. I couldn’t take care of them both in enough time.

So I treated the guy with the arm wound as fast as I could. Afterwards I moved onto the abdominal wound guy. Dressed his wound right as the evacuation team had arrived. It got dangerous because the Solider that climbed the ladder told me to put the Joe on his back. I didn’t like the idea too much because I thought it was dangerous but I had to put my trust in the Joe. He got him down the ladder and came up for the other one. I put him on the shoulder and down he went as well. Sweat was dripping off my face and I was exhausted.

I had to pull security and wait until I was relieved from duty. I wasn’t even with my platoon. I was just at the wrong place at the wrong time.


Blogger Allison said...

Glad you got a chance to talk to your dad, it sounds like it was something you needed and so I'm glad you got that.

It sounds like that FP drill had you working best to you.

10/10/2005 9:41 PM  

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