Thursday, September 14, 2006

Almost a perfect day

We didn’t go out the wire so it gave me a chance to get a lot accomplished. I missed chow this morning so I ate some cereal and yogurt that was stored in my room. Afterwards I went to the MWR to get online to chat with the wife. We chatted for a little while. She was tired so we didn’t chat long. I sometimes forget that she has to get up early and get the kids ready for school.

I came back to my crib to get stuff a little organized. I organized my closet, fixed my bed, and cleaned up the room. The only thing I didn’t do is clean the carpet or sweep the floor. I left to drop off my laundry bag at the drop off. That’s about the best thing about being deployed; I don’t have to wash any clothing. Not only that, it’s free too. We just drop off our laundry and it’s ready for pickup in about 2 to 3 days. They wash, dry, and fold the clothes for me. The other great thing is the food.

I left for chow, had some chili-mac and some cucumber/tomato mix for lunch. Then I left for alterations. We’re going to wear ACUs pretty soon so I wanted to get my rank sown on my new headgear. When I got that done I came back to the crib, picked up my ACU trousers from supply, changed, and left for the gym.

I worked out for about two hours focusing on my biceps and triceps. I also did a cardio workout for 30 minutes and an abdominal workout for 30 minutes. Came back to the crib, changed, and left to chow with my buddy The Mongolian.

Besides getting a lot accomplished today it was also great because of the weather. Some might consider it hot. I considered the weather almost perfect today. I would say it was hot but after dealing with 115° degree heat, this feels like heaven.


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